Page 75 - The CRAIG family
P. 75
We don’t know exactly when it was, but Daddy says Aunt Charlotte put her foot down and Uncle Clifton went to Margaret Crowders house and brought Aunt Gin back to their home to live with them.
1940: In April, 1940 when the census was taken, Aunt Gin was 18 years old living with Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Clifton. She was a maid working in a private home and the record shows that she had a 7th grade education.
Aunt Gin was 19 years old when she married Warren H “Bob” Pendleton on November 30, 1940. They were married for less than a year when they separated in October of 1941. Aunt Gin filed a petition for divorce in October 1942.
Evenings News October 28, 1942
Aunt Gin used to joke and say she married Bob to get rid of him. Other than mentioning his name Bob, she didn’t talk about him.
Bob was from Louisville and he was one of 9 children. At the time they were married he worked as an attendant at his brothers owned and operated filling station. According to ARMY records, Bob was a small man of 5’6” and 125 pounds when he enlisted. He enlisted in the Army on November 11, 1942, shortly after they separated, and those records show his marital status as separated.
Bob was a WW11 wounded combat veteran. He remarried in 1945 and he and his wife Norine were married for 66 years when she died in 2011. Bob died June 3, 2014, at the age of 93. He had a glowing obituary and from various things that I read about him, he apparently was well thought of in his town of Acton, Kentucky. He and Norine had 4 children, 10 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. He was active in DAV Chapter 6; he was an avid gardener and U of L Cardinals fan.
Daddy’s recording August 28, 2004: Uncle Clifton went to get Aunt Gin from Old Lady Crowders house and she lived with Aunt Sis for a while and then worked in people’s homes for $3 per week plus room and board then she worked as a waitress. July 4, 1941 – Life changed for Gin and she hit pay dirt (per Uncle Blue). He had $.15 in his pocket (per Daddy). Their first date was to Coney Island.
I’ve asked how she and Uncle Blue met and no one seems to know the answer to that. Ruth told me that Aunt Gin had mentioned seeing a picture of him sitting on a couch and said, “I want to meet that man”.