Page 13 - March NEWSWATCH Proof
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 Mark your calendars: SHA Board Meeting | March12th | 7:00pm | Jones Creek Library
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 Ken advised that there are no restrictions for size, type, or materials used in the fence, but that he would need a permit. Ken will look at the plans to ensure placement of the fence does not violate any codes or restrictions. A resident complained about a badly maintained house on Frederick. Ken will look into it to see if it needs to be reported to the city. A resident on Seven Pines thought it would be a good idea for the board to send postcards to residents to nicely notify them of restriction/code violations before reporting issues. Board will consider implementing something of this sort.
Beautification Report – The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for March is 5212 Richmond. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website.
Entrance Sign Committee Report – Sandy and Don –Don talked to a civil engineer to schedule a meeting to review the plans for the sign and develop a stable foundation due to the weight of the proposed sign. Once that is done, we’ll be able to move forward with the architect’s detailed cross-section drawings of the sign to be able to put the construction project out for bid. Don suggested checking out the new entrance sign at Santa Maria subdivision for finishing detail ideas. Due to the slow progress on the development of the new sign, board considered moving forward now with demolition and removal of the broken and unsightly existing south wall. After discussion, it was decided against it because that would look worse than it does now before the new sign is put up.
Newswatch/Website Report – Ed Craig – Ed reported that there were 2235 visits to the website in January. The deadline for articles for the March Newswatch is February 19.
Unfinished Business –
SECPID Commissioners – Mayor Weston-Broome has officially appointed Larry Horacek as her representative on the SECPID Board as recommended by SHA. There is still another opening on the SECPID Board of Commissioners because Jack Ricou stepped down as Senator Bodi White’s appointment. Anyone interested in being nominated to fill that spot should contact Don Regner.
Christmas Yard Decoration Contest – The Christmas Yard Decoration Contest winners were 16246 Chadsford and 5562 Kennesaw. Since there were only two winners, the total prize value of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be divided equally in two, and $110 will be distributed to each of the two winners. Congratulations!
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