Page 6 - March NEWSWATCH Proof
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Mark your calendars: SHA Board Meeting | March12th | 7:00pm | Jones Creek Library
Shenandoah Homeowners Association — MEMBERSHIP, 2019
It appears for many residents in Shenandoah Estates; this is an annual question. However, this is not the real question. Every resident belongs to the Shenandoah Homeowners Association (SHA)! The question each of us must answer: “Will I pay my fair share of the cost of Membership?” Every resident has the right to expect a good quality of life in the area they select to reside in. They usually expect the value of their property/home to improve with each passing year. Nobody expects to sell their home for less than they paid for it! That’s just how it is supposed to work. There are many things that each can individually do to ensure these goals happen. However, it also requires a collective effort to accomplish your “dream.”
SHA was established many years ago to ensure that those two ideas do indeed happen. It not necessary to discuss a large num- ber of actions, programs, and plans that are undertaken by
SHA to accomplish this. You can easily read about them in the monthly NEWSWATCH that you receive. There is a Board of Direc- tors that voluntarily serve to provide these services. The SHA dues are used to pay for your services only. The SHA dues of $30 annu- ally are the lowest in the area, and they are voluntary. Most of the surrounding Associations have Mandatory and Higher dues. They find it unusual that we “struggle” to operate as we do.
As one of the largest, if not the largest, Association in this area, we should be able to accomplish more with less if everyone par- ticipated. It isn’t the amount of the dues that is the issue: it is the number of residents paying the dues. There are 2058 potential residents in Shenandoah Estates. As of 1/31/2019, 482 residents have chosen to pay for their membership. That is both “good” and “bad” news! It is a larger number of paid residents than in 2018. However, it is only 23.4% of all of the homes. Thankfully, some residents contribute more than their “fair” share. Below are the words of one resident that came in with her check:
Just wanted to thank you for all you do for our neighborhood. I do encourage people I know to pay their dues.
I am on a very limited budget. My husband and I both are on disability but will try to send more support as we can.
We appreciate you all.‚ “Thank you!”
Given the above information, we need more dues support so the SHENANDOAH ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION can fulfill our mission of keeping Shenandoah Estates as a good place to live and maintaining property values.
Thank you,
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Treasurer’s Report – Mike used a new format for the Treasurer’s report and asked for input. He noted that the line item titled “Dues” includes specifically the $30 annual dues that have been paid, and the item titled “Other” includes any extra funds that people pay with their dues. The January receipts totaled $12,122.00, and expenses totaled $3,312.83. Mike also reported that the Executive committee will begin meeting mid-month each month to help streamline the monthly board meetings. The Shenandoah Homeowners Association dues remain at $30 per year. Please send in your dues, or you can pay them via PayPal on the website. (
Security Report – Don reporting for Tom Hirschey – The camera site on Malvern Hill at Altus will be completed soon. Process has been started for the site on Fleetwood at Achord. The National Day Out Against Crime will be held November 2 at St. Andrews Methodist Church. There were 46 patrol shifts in January. The 2017/2018 comparative stats that were printed in the last issue of Newswatch indicated an increase in calls for service, which resulted in a significant improvement regarding the success of the calls in 2018. The next SECPID meeting will be held on March 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jones Creek Library.
Membership Report – Mike – Mike reported that membership totals are off to a great start this year with 549 paid members YTD. He noted that comments have been overwhelmingly polite and helpful with a few complaints about the front entrance sign. He suggested we put a barometer on the front page of the Newswatch to track the success of our membership drive throughout the year. A 2nd dues letter will be sent out by February 22 to welcome and thank those who have paid and to remind those who haven’t paid. Mike reported that there was some confusion about how much the dues are because of how the membership form was printed in the Newswatch. Ed will fix it. A membership committee has been formed, and Henry appointed Mike as Membership Committee Chairman. We would like to have 3 people on the committee, and any resident is welcome to serve. Anyone interested in serving on this committee should contact Mike Giroir at treasurer@ Mike reminded us that the 2019 membership prize drawing will be held at the April 9 SHA meeting at the Jones Creek Library. The 3 Premium prizes will definitely be awarded. We may be limited to the value of the additional prizes due to the non-profit status of the Association. Details will be provided at the next SHA Board meeting.
Architectural Report – Ken – A homeowner on Mobile wants to put a landscape-architect-designed fence around his property. He inquired about what restrictions there are regarding fences.
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Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 6