Page 27 - Tree of Happiness
P. 27

In this exercise, you will notice that it is tying together some of the skills which have been included in the other Coping Skills stories. It is important to again point out that these exercises are just like any other skill building exercise. They should be practiced as often as possible. They are being provided in the context of these stories but should be used at every appropriate opportunity.
WIZARD STATEMENTS: We call our irrational (Stinky Thinking) beliefs, Wizard Statements (WS), because they have no basis in reality. They may be negative or positive irrational statements.
ELF STATEMENTS: If we have accurate and appropriate self- statements (Good Thinking), which is realistic, with supporting information, we call them Elf Statements (ES).
You need to remember that a negative statement of fact or an uncomplimentary evaluation of performance, might or might not be a Wizard Statement (WS). When it is based in reality and is accurate and appropriate, it is an Elf Statement (ES). For example, telling yourself, “I failed the test because I was foolish and did not study enough,” is an Elf Statement. On the other hand, if you tell yourself, “I failed the test because I am too stupid to learn anything,” you are telling yourself a Wizard Statement because it is not based on reality.
The following are examples of what we can tell ourselves about a situation. These self-statements can be Wizard ( Stinky Thinking) Statements (WS) or Elf (Good Thinking) Statements (ES). Your choices illustrate if you are having rational or irrational beliefs about the particular situation. Read these beliefs and circle if it is a Wizard (WS) or Elf (ES) statement:

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