Page 62 - Tree of Happiness
P. 62

It is important to remember that all of these skills and exercises are to be used Rationally. There are some situations and people that should be avoided. There are times and situations when this exercise is not appropriate. But by using it, you will find that you will be able to tell when confronting the Dragon is appropriate and you will be in control of your life.
How should you deal with your “Personal dragons?”
First, recognize your Dragon in all its “Splendor.”
Often, fears are the consequence of a vague concept or belief. Using our “Special person” example, ask yourself “Just who is this I am avoiding?” “What am I telling myself about them that is causing me all of this discomfort?”
Second, ask yourself, “Why am I making them (it) so powerful?”
Why am I telling myself these silly things? What better things could I be telling myself?
Third, ask yourself, “What is the worst that can happen?”
Do I really want to give control of my personal happiness over to this person, (situation or thing)? What is the worst that could happen? Is this Worst something I can live with?
Fourth, ask yourself, “What should I do to slay the Dragon?”
In this example, it may be to go into the store and make a point of finding the person you are uncomfortable with, saying hello and trying to make friends.
Fifth, ask yourself, “How should I slay the Dragon?”
In this example, “I will introduce myself very pleasantly and not bring up anything about how they were ugly to me yesterday. If they choose not to be friendly, then I will just walk away.”
Sixth, ask yourself, “When do I slay the Dragon?”
This is difficult but necessary. Pick your time and place and hold yourself to it. “Tomorrow at recess, I will tell them that I am sorry we had that argument and it was as much my fault as theirs. I want like to be friends if they are willing.”

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