Page 3 - Vacuum Glass
P. 3

 Limits of Energy Impact of energy consumption of windows in buildings Energy-Efficient Windows- Energy use in buildings accounts for a large percentage of total energy consump9on worldwide, which leads to increasing CO2 emission into the atmosphere. Studies in Europe on energy consump9on have shown that buildings are responsible for 40% of energy end use and 30% of CO2emission. Windows have a significant influence on building energy performance. The proper design of windows can greatly reduce energy consump9on in buildings. In order to encourage the development and the appropriate use of high- performance glazing and windows, many window energy ra9ng systems (WERS) have been developed in different countries. Window-wall ra9o is the specific value of the area of the window and that of the room façade. Unit area of room façade indicates the area enclosed by the room height and the standard width of the bay. The natural ligh9ng performance is beQer when the window-wall ra9o increases. However, windows also play a cri9cal role in terms of building thermal insula9on which needs to be clearly considered. The ways in which we use energy is crucial to how we live. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas have always been available, but they’re becoming harder to find. If we do nothing to reduce our energy consumption now, pollution from the use of fossil fuels will increase and fossil fuel reserves will soon run out. We all need to think about using renewable energy sources such as bio- fuels, solar and wind power. Most importantly, we should aim to use energy wisely, so there is always enough to go around. We spend up to 90% of our lives in buildings, and we believe that everything people do in life deserves a perfect place to do it, to learn , to grow and prosper. While it’s true that today’s building should be efficient, reliable and safe. 

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