Page 35 - Handbook
P. 35

The Grow & Reward Fee process is defined as follows:
(a) An Open Position with Nuix will be advertised on Nuix's website, Intranet and via email.
(b) Team members may refer Candidates for these advertised Open Positions by submitting the Candidate's resume to The Nuix team member must include in the e-mail the position the Candidate is being referred to.
(c) Referred Candidates must be genuine contacts of the Nuix team member and have permission from the potential Candidate to submit his/her CV/resume for the Open Position with Nuix.
(d) A Candidate must confirm the Nuix team member who referred them when applying for an Open Position with Nuix.
(e) People & Culture will notify Payroll after 6 months of employment with Nuix has been completed that the New Hire has successfully completed his/ her probationary period (as determined by Nuix) or at least 6 months of employment from the Candidate's Commencement Date of employment, whichever is longer.
(f) Payroll will remit the Grow & Reward Fee to the referring Nuix team member in full via the normal payroll process in the Payroll Cycle following the completion of the 6 months probationary period of the New Hire.
(g) The Grow & Reward Fee Payment will be: - Americas USD 5000
- EMEA EUR 3000
- APAC (except the Philippines) AUD 3000 - Philippines PHP 20000
The daily exchange rate at the time of the Payroll Cycle will be applied to payments in currencies other than AUD.
Candidate: An individual applying for an Open Position with Nuix, not previously known to Nuix. Candidate Commencement Date: The Candidate's first day working at Nuix.
Direct Hiring Leaders: Candidates direct leader
Leadership Team: Direct reports to the Global CEO.
Nuix Team Member: A Nuix Employee with a signed Employment Agreement.
Executive Management Team: Global Leadership Team, Regional CEO's and SVP's.
Grow & Reward Fee: The payment made via Payroll to a Nuix Employee for the successful appointment of a Candidate and that Candidate's employment has continued beyond the 6- month probationary period.
New Hire: A Candidate who becomes an Employee.
Open Position: An approved and advertised position for a role at Nuix.
Payroll Cycle: The next available scheduled end of month Payroll Run.
* This Policy supersedes the Finder's Fee Policy. Nuix Reserves the right to modify or terminate this Policy at any time at its sole discretion.*
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