Page 22 - 2018 Annual Report
P. 22

Early in 2018, we invited you to join us in imagining “a year of possibility.”  We spoke of expanding our missional reach – and we have through our Addiction Recovery Ministry in which lives are changed and people are being introduced to new avenues of wholeness and healing.  We dreamed of more people “coming to deeper relationships with Jesus Christ” – and we have seen that happen through professions of faith, confrmation classes, frst-time church attenders at 1st on Chatham and in the sanctuary, and expanded participation in our small group ministries.  We hoped for ground breaking and construction to begin – and now we can all see the Youth and Community Center begin to take shape.Beyond that, we have witnessed the Spirit at work in ways we could not have imagined.  Our ministries to children and youth continue to grow in new and exciting ways.  We are more fully integrating our Hispanic ministry into the full life of our congregational family.  We engaged in “Holy Conversation” together and learned how to talk about difcult things, how to disagree and still be the one body of Christ.  We said goodbye to some old pastoral friends and welcomed a new one. We worshiped; we prayed; we served; we continued to grow in love and grace.   All of this – and much more – is possible because of your faithfulness and continued support of our ministry.  So, we say “thank you.”  Thank you for your faithfulness.  Thank you for your generosity.  Thank you for your partnership in God’s ministry in this good place.We stand now at the beginning of 2019. Again, we have hopes and dreams for the year ahead:  completion of the YCC and beginning renovation on the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall; the planting of a new worship service and new faith community; new uses of technology to reach more people for Jesus Christ; continued strengthening of our ministries with younger generations so that the gospel can be carried into the future.  And we know that, beyond our planning and dreams, God has surprises for us that we lean into with eager expectation.We are honored to share this ministry with you.   Thank you for being a part of “Sharing the heart of Christ from the heart of Cary!”A YEAR OF GREAT BLESSING

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