Page 7 - Priorities #44 2009-July
P. 7

The Last Laugh was a tremendously fun time. The cast and crew were superb.
Left: Cast and Crew
Bottom: Ben Taft as Dr. Bleach.
Left: Mallory Cadwell, Sikander Sohail at the Performing Arts Banquet.
Right: Laurel Detkin and Eleanor Oates share a moment at the Performing
Arts Banquet.
2009 Auction Circus:
Top L-R: Father Maurus, Father Pius, Auggie the Auction Bear, Father William, Brother Edward, and Father Martin.
Top: The Priory Auction reaches new heights!
Top Left: Father Maurus and Strongman Adam Siler flex their muscles.
Left: Brother Edward and Mi- chelle Rapp are entranced by snake charmer Kelly Sargent.
Say farewell to the lion tamer, give a final salute to the human cannonball, and wave goodbye to
the clowns...the Circus tent is buttoned up, the midway is locked down, and the train is pulling out of town. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but the 2009 Auction is over! As always, the Priory community turned out in grand style, and we had a wonderful time seeing so many of you at the big party. Of course, it could never have happened without the strong hearts and hands of so many of you - all our amazing dedicated volunteers, the generous donors and bidders, and, of course, the Priory team. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts! - Jill Caskey and Bruce Yoxsimer, 2009 Auction Chairs (Pictured above).

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