Page 8 - Priorities #53 2012-June/July
P. 8

MWovin’ on Up!
Woodside Priory Middle School’s 32 graduates exchanged high-fives, laughter, hugs, and even a few tears before the procession to the Rothrock Performance Hall where they received their diplomas.
Head of Upper School, Brian Schlaak, welcomed parents, relatives, and friends and encouraged students to continue their lives with the lessons learned at the Priory by working for “the welfare of others...that you will, as our Mission states, productively serve a world in need of your gifts.”
Dean of the Middle School, Caitha Ambler, presented the Valedictorian award to Rebecca Whitman. In addition to earning the highest G.P.A., teachers describe Rebecca as “a ray of sunshine always ready to offer a thoughtful comment.” Ms. Ambler presented the Salutatorian award to Carolyn Akers saying, “Carolyn is a thoughtful and insightful young woman and is also one of the most well-read youngsters in the middle school.”
Carl Sibley, the first graduate speaker, said that “I think the labyrinth is like our Middle School experience... life is all about moving on to the next phase, and that’s why even a little middle school graduation is such an important celebra- tion. We’re ready to move on to the next maze.”
John Gregory, the second student speaker, said he has always been amazed and inspired by the Priory’s five Bene- dictine values. John said, “Our teachers have worked with us to help us better understand ourselves and our peers. Mr. Cohen, for example, worked with me after school for my personal narrative, turning it from a brief anecdote to a mean- ingful memory, challenging me as a writer and also helping me to grow as a person.”
The 8th grade graduating class chose Mr. Damian Cohen to give their commencement address. Mr. Cohen expressed his appreciation for how fearless their graduating class has been. He said, “For all of you, fear not starting over in 9th grade. Fear not any subject matter or teacher. Fear no bully, nor heartbreak. Fear not idealism nor having more ques- tions than answers...we may go to different schools next year, but we will always live in one house.”
In conclusion, Ms. Ambler expressed how fortunate she feels at having had the pleasure of knowing each of the graduates. She said, “There will be more challenging work ahead, new teachers, new friends, sports games, performances, fun times, and some challenging ones, too. We have watched you grow and change over the last three years, and I can say that it has been a true joy to watch you grow up. “

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