Page 48 - Priorities #74
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meaningful and balanced lives, developing as lifelong learners and stewards, and productively serving a world in need of their gifts.”
All these stewards and lifelong learners are unique individuals. Part of the Priory Way has always been, in the words of Head of Upper School Brian Schlaak, to “let your freak flag fly,” a line he included in his graduation address. Early into the shutdown the ASB offered Zoom Madness, with days such as funky sunglasses, silly hats, crazy Zoom backgrounds, and bring your pet or plushie. Lots of costuming also went into the middle school play Murder in the Knife Room, where characters made liberal use of false beards, eye patches, and lots and lots of knives. For a historical first, the play ran on Zoom, with each actor performing from home and a talented tech crew sewing it all together. Middle school teachers went onscreen, too. David Moseley led burpees, and Christine Hemiup wore her Lego sunglasses while discussing coding projects.
In the literary realm, Librarian Diane Lanctot, explained that “The staff of the annual MUSE magazine collaborated virtually to produce a ‘Voyages’ themed issue featuring writers, artists and photographers.” Additionally, teachers were encouraged to create projects where students could choose how to present their learning; in fact, the middle school offered badges for creativity, spirit, PE, a reading club, and later the Spotlight series with such offerings as “Vector and Quill” and “Outside the Box.” Kyle Utsumi’s PSU project allowed eighth graders to follow a local issue, investigate traditional narratives, and take a stand. And of course Priory encouraged families to strut their originality by decorating their cars with balloons and streamers as they lined up drive-in-movie-style for their graduation ceremonies, expressing their pride and congratulations.
“Staying in conversation as a community about our successes and challenges helped us to stay anchored in who we are,” noted Crystal Matsuoka. That’s the Priory Way: people of spirituality, hospitality, community, integrity, and individuality, serving each other and the greater world.

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