Page 6 - Priorities #13 2000-July
P. 6

WPS drama department presented its
first-ever all-Middle School show this spring with three one-act plays. In
Small Actors, Tim Kovachy is the priest who marries Romeo and Juliet
in a rolicking, three-minute rendition of Shakespeare’s
lengthy tragedy. It was a play-within-a-play that
explored the dilemma of a
young girl who gets a one- line part but tells
her parents she’s playing the lead.
Director Tom Carter broke a record by producing six
successful shows this year, including one especially
challenging play he wrote for his
Advanced Drama class.
Spring ‘00
Dr. Nancy Snyderman, WPS’s keynote speaker for the Seventh Annual Community Forum, chose a casual seat on the stage to chat with guests and sign books after the program. Dr. Snyderman is one of the best-known and trusted medical
correspondents in national print and television media as well as a practicing physician and mother of three children. Kepler’s Books in Menlo Park was a welcome partner in providing copies of Dr. Snyderman’s book, Necessary
Journeys: Letting Ourselves Learn from Life.
Guests enjoyed the May weather on Thomas Church Square following the lecture. Renee Rankin, Juliana Secheli and Sandy McCarthy are among several people who helped create this special evening.
Emily Cohen and Kylie
Hepper came dressed as twin glamor queens during March Madness week. For alumni who remember the great feeling of getting out on Red Square for the first taste of sunny weather and all the crazy contests -well, nothing’s changed. This year, students let off steam with crazy hoop shots, jammies day, a no-hands popcorn munch, and more.

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