Page 9 - Priorities #13 2000-July
P. 9

JeAnne Reyes, Salutatorian Joe Daly, Valedictorian Roberto Cannessa, Graduation Speaker
...At Priory, we speak often about living in a community. I know I have never been a part of any other community that is closer. The Class of 2000 has come far together.
What I appreciate most about Woodside Priory and its community is that when I was stressed from completing college applications or school work in general, actually being on campus - whether listening to a really good Chapel talk, meditating in Spirituality class or sitting on the stairs going up to the cafeteria with my friend Mercedes and looking at the hills while venting frustrations - felt wonderful!
Today, stop and look at where you are, realize what you’ve accomplished, and just smile because (we’ve) come so far.
Dr. Roberto Cannessa, twice a candidate for the presidency of Uruguay, twice the recipient of the National Award of Uruguay, is a man known to most of the Class of 2000. All seniors read the book, Alive, the story of several young men whose faith was tested during a harrowing plane crash in the Andes in the 1970s. Dr. Cannessa is a survivor of that crash and he accompanied several Priory seniors and faculty on a trek to the site last spring.
Today is not CHRONOS time, time measured in seconds and minutes. TodayisKAIROStime, time that is measured by the intensity of feelings. It is a time when we get close to God, not a time whentheclockstops. Because KARIOS time is those moments you will never forget, it is time for reflection, for looking into the eyes of your friends...
Today, early in the morning, one of my favorite companions was helpingmeinthis speech.Itwas MotherNature. Andthisimmortal mother will always support us, even in the worst moments...(Mother Nature) will tell you what you are and what you need to reach happiness in life.
Editor’s note: It’s impossible to capture in print the humorous flavor of Joe’s speech. The following is one slightly- more- serious snippet. All students receive a videotape of the graduation ceremony and Joe’s complete speech is there.
No matter what your problems (with them) are or have been or will be, try to keep strong relations with your family. For some unknown reason, your family seems obligated to love and care for you. By responding with more care and love, you can guarantee you’ll never be alone. If you ever run into problems and need help, or are simply bored, give your parents and siblings a call...Even though they might not be able to quote Othello and Keats, parents are surprisingly full of useful knowledge and can help you with many real world problems...
Try your best to be happy because life’s too short.
“...Send your grace and protection upon our graduates. Show all of us how to transform learning into wisdom and technology into service, so that all our study may be dedicated to your glory...”
from the Invocation by Dean Leh, Director of Campus Ministry

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