Page 4 - Priorities #12 2000-April
P. 4

May our eyes be open to His presence as our own journeys unfold.
The recent trip by twelve seniors and four accompanying teachers to South America that took place over the Winter break proved to be a remarkable and unforgettable experience for all concerned.
The trip was the brainchild of Jim Lawhon whose Humanities class has been reading the book ALIVE as a part of the required reading for his course.
The remarkable tale of survival, hope and courage has inspired and continues to inspire readers throughout the world since the book was first published. Itwasmyprivilegetohavebeeninvited to join the Priory team in this venture to South America.
The book relates the events that took place nearly three decades ago when a plane carrying the Old Christians Club rugby team from Uruguay crashed in the snow high in the Andes mountains in Argentina
on the way to Chile. Two-thirds of the passengers perished; only 16 survived. The highlight of the trip was the horseback trip to the site of the plane crash with Roberto Canessa, one of the survivors, and the sharing of the story with other survivors.
In the midst of a blinding snowstorm and plummeting temperatures at the 11,500-foot level, I celebrated Mass for the faculty, students, survivors and the gauchos who led the team to the top of this sacredspot. Wewereallmovedbythesightofthe crude stone monuments, plane fragments, and memorial plaques left on this otherwise barren spot high in the mountains.
Dr. Canessa spoke over the howl of the wind about the way those who endured seventy-two days in the hostile weather and near starvation conditions were able, in spite of the worst possible conditions, to find God in those very mountains which held them captive.
Just getting up (to the memorial site) was a big risk for me to take. It was cold, windy - you could imagine what they must have felt. Now, when something goes wrong, I think how much worse things could be.
Katelin Stasun Class of 2000
Benedictine Letter

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