Page 32 - 2017 Yearbook
P. 32

“The best thing you can do in any class, is to seek out a classmate as a resource and friend. If you’re lucky, after a while they will become the person who tolerates you when you bug them at 12am with a burning question about the derivative of the velocity of a particle. And in my own experience, I have found I learn the most in classes where I am constantly teaching somebody else.” -Megan Love (12)
“The one-room bathrooms smell horrible! Avoid them whenever possible.” -Greer Hoffmann (12)
“Do not wait until the last day to ask questions or study for Mr. Lee’s AP Calc test.” -Alicia Talancon (12)
Dear Seniors...from Mr. Schlaak:
1. Learn to cook three things that you like.
2. Learn to do your laundry.
3. If you are bringing a car to college, know enough about your car to know when something is wrong.
4. Take the opportunity to try on a different persona.
5. Make some friends who are not from the same background as you are. 6. Don’t worry about being practical with your major. This is often your best chance to really go big into the world of ideas. My kid's pediatrician majored in Religious Studies.
7. Enjoy the diverse intellectual and artistic opportunities at your school. College is a hotbed of interesting opportunities. Not very many of them can be seen from the inside of a bar.
8. Take a few classes that you are interested in, but may have no aptitude for.
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