Page 4 - Priorities #32 2005-November
P. 4

Fall at a Glance
Community Garden Is Growing
Teacher Shahar Link and young resident Henry Wise don’t usually work alone—a bumper crop of on-campus residents have been sharing the job of preparing the community garden beds for winter planting. Some 94 people live on the campus—faculty and staff, their families, resident students, and monks. When employees live on campus, they agree to make an extra effort to build the school community and promote Benedictine values. Having a campus that is also “home” makes a big difference in the quality of school life.
Father Maurus Blesses the Pets
Some 30 four-footed, scaled or furry creatures gathered on the Priory’s front lawn early on the morning of Oct. 4 for a blessing by Father Maurus, an annual event to celebrate St. Francis of Assisi’s Feast Day. Horses, chickens, snakes, and various tiny creatures hiding in sweatshirt pockets have been among the guests in past years; this year the most unusual pet was probably the little Golden Dragon lizard in a small plastic cage.
First Roots, Then Wings
A delegation from WPS visited Panonhalma Abbey in Hungary before traveling to the second International Benedictine Youth Congress in Germany (pictured above). The Priory representatives presented a framed letter of thanks, recognizing the Abbey’s importance as the home community of WPS’s founding monks.

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