Page 18 - Priorities #42 2009-January
P. 18

Monastery News
On the Road Again
by Father Martin
This past Autumn, Abbot Matthew of Saint Anselm Abbey made the suggestion that I should visit the Archabbey of Pannonhalma in Hungary while he was there giving a retreat and taking some per- sonal time.
I flew to Budapest where I was met by Abbot Matthew who is flu- ent in Hungarian and who was very familiar with that ancient city. We spent two days exploring Budapest, the highlight of which was visiting the Parliament Building where the crown of King Saint Stephen, patron of the Priory, is displayed. Abbot Matthew and I then traveled to the Arch- abbey where we were warmly greeted by the Archabbot and community members there. The monastery is over a thousand years old and exhibits remnants of the many architectural styles which have enjoyed favor since the early founding of the original site.
Before leaving Hungary, I had the opportunity to visit Klara and Louis Kovacs, former staff members of the Priory. Their daughter, Suzi, a Priory graduate who lives in Budapest, joined us for a terrific visit. We also had the opportunity to visit the home of Father Maurus’ sister. She and her husband were the ultimate hosts, providing an endless array of wonderful Hungarian dishes and extraordinary hospitality.
I left Hungary and headed for Graz, Austria, the home of Drs. Peter and Elizabeth Zwittnig whose daughter is a first-year sophomore at the Priory. They were gracious hosts and took the time to assure themselves that I would capture the flavor of this medieval city. Then I was on to a whirlwind tour of Venice and Rome. It was certainly a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget.
Photos by Fr. Martin: Top and below: Street scene in Budapest. Right: Famous Venice canals
Tom and Judy DeSzily donated this portrait of Father Egon which now hangs in Founder’s Hall. Left: Father Maurus and Judy DeSzily unveil the portrait.

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