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Silver Screen
Gala Is In March 23
It’s a one-night-only gala, Dahling! The most exclusive event of the year! And, my dear, you know that Everybody who is Anybody will be there... Garbo...Crawford...Gable...Monroe...De Mille...Davis...It would
be wonderful if Fred and Ginger would dance, or perhaps Lawrence would do one of his grand dramatic readings, what do you think? You think they’re all out of town??
Oh.Well. Nowondertheiragentsjustsentphotos.Anyway,they
all said they would be happy to sponsor a table!
That’s right, this year you can mingle with the stars — the Hollywood classics and the Priory’s own special people — at
“Lights, Camera, Auction!” the Priory’s event of the year. The wine, the foods, the fur wraps and the delectable treats will flow at
the Los Altos Country Club on March 22.
And treats there will be! By treating yourself you will also be
doing something important for the school. The auction is the Priory’s only annual fund-raising event. It supports goals such as keeping class sizes small and providing professional development
opportunities for faculty.
But back to the goodies. Just imagine...a week in
Hawaii...a romantic dining experience, the theater and overnight in one of San Francisco’s finest hotels...enough really fine wines to please the
most discriminating sommelier...a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. Or,maybesomegoodoldpracticalstuff.Computerskills. Asupply of film for your camera. Driving lessons for your almost-16-year-old. A
catered party to finally pay back everybody you owe. Estate planning. A gorgeous hand-knit sweater that your Beloved would love.
Every delightful item will be lovingly displayed for guest bidding while film clips from Hollywood’s Golden Era dance across the walls.
Hollywood look-alikes Bernadette Austin, Brian Sullivan (Gable) and Young Lee (detective) are among several Priory students who will mimic
the stars while assisting guests at the auction.

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