Page 4 - Priorities #52 2012-March/April
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In June, the Priory and Saint Anselm will be hosting our first Priory Benedictine Life and Spirituality Seminar for lay faculty and staff. The Monks at Saint Anselm will welcome ten Priory staff to spend 4 days living and learning the life of a Monastic. Abbot Matthew will lead the program and share his wisdom about the Benedictines way of living and the foundations/values of their communal life. This is the culmination of a couple of years of planning and dreaming. Thanks to faculty member Nancy Newman for bringing it to fruition.
The most important highlight of this issue is our focus on the annual GALA (Fashion show and auction) on April 28 at the Cabana Hotel in Palo Alto. This year’s theme is Masquerade Ball and promises to be an afternoon and evening full of mystery, daring designs and multitude of ways to support the Priory. A huge thanks to Regina Saliba and Annalisa King for their leadership as co-chairs and to the many volunteers whose time and talent will transport us to a world of intriguing fantasy. Please attend or support the event in any way you can -!
You and your family are always in the thoughts and prayers of the Monks, and all that we do is because of your willingness to share your time, talent and treasure with us. From all of us at the Priory – Happy Easter!
Tim Molak Head of School
The Priory hosted the visiting Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for our accreditation. Above L-R: Sister Celeste Marie Botello (Flintridge Sacred Heart Schools), Jennifer Garrison Ross (Marlborough School), Janet Peddy (The Webb Schools), Mark Goyette (Junipero Serra School), Annette Brown, from Archdiocese SF (not pictured: Eric Niles, Athenian School).
Faculty and staff are flocking parent’s lawns with pink plastic flamingos to raise money for Lenten talents. When a home is “flocked” the homeowner must pay to have them removed. This year, the money is going to help fund our Rebuilding Together renovation house in East Palo Alto.

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