Page 20 - Priorities #14 2000-September
P. 20

The ambiance of an elegant stateroom aboard the French luxury liner, Normandie, was re-created at the Hotel Sofitel by dozens of auction volunteers. Tickets sold out well in advance of the May 6 party.
Tim Molak, making his eighth appearance as auctioneer, enticed bidders to keep raising those paddles. Bill & Sherri Coats won the bid for Dave Brubeck-Taylor Eigsti concert tickets - “worth a million,” Sherri said.
Goldman Insurance Services William and Natalie Graham William and Michelle Green Timothy M. Griffin
Tom and Wendy Hafkenschiel Patricia Hanson
Terry and Dorothy Hayes David and Julie Helfrich Michael and Margaret Herzen William and Rosemary Hewlett Lincoln and Robin Holland Shu-Ing Ju
Timothy and Kip Kado
Margaret Kiely
James and Lynn Lally
Benjamin Lam and Cynthia Young Russell Lampert and Anne C. Miller Cheng-Long and Yu-Lin Lee Richard and Mary Lemuth
David and Alheli Maahs
E. Alvin and Suzanne Maas
Genevieve Mager
Thomas and Sandra McCarthy
Robert and Sheila Melen
Silvia Meyer
Peter and Mary Mills
Carol Mills Baldwin
Tim and Catherine Molak
Mark Moore and Renee Rankin Andrew and Ria Moroyan
Thomas Neff and Donna Wengert-Neff David and Judy Noice
Richard and Sharon Ogren
Mark and Nicole Patton
Curtis Peterson and Lea Stublaric Oscar and Janice Pieper
Ted Pollock
Ray and Meredith Rothrock Konrad and Carol Schoebel
Tom Schulz and Mariana Bozesan Richard and Susan Seiler
Jesus and Carmen Sibal
William and Teresa Stanton Richard Stowell
Andrew Strawn
Sallie Strong Havern
Jim Sulat and Susan Keyes Kenneth and Tamra Tehaney Barton and Holly Thompson Laurel Trask
John and Millie Urbain
Rex and Keiko Valentine
Andrew Verhalen and Janet
Anthony and Caroline Vertongen Alan and Joanne Vidinsky
John and Anne Wade
Robert and Barbara Walton
Joseph and Patricia Weeden
Marvin and Beth-Ann Wenger Mathilda Wilbur
Melinda Wilson
Scott and Shirley Wilson
William Wittmeyer and Maggie Tham Pui H. Wong
Nancy Woodward
Alejandro and Leah Zaffaroni
1999-2000 Parent Association Officers:
President. Co-Chairmen
Alan and Liz Cirino
Pat Amento
Family Picnic
David and Alheli Maahs Ken and Katie Stasun Sue Sullivan
Christmas and Vespers Decorations Margaret Herzen
Linda Moore
Christmas Tea and Ornament Exchange Liz and Alan Cirino
Parent-Student Brunches
Craig and Karen Coombs Mary Bussmann
Cosy Bixler
Auction Co-Chairs
Wayne and Cindy Davison
Teacher Appreciation Event
Donna Wengert-Neff
Pass the Gavel
LuAnn DeMartini Cathy Voelker
Priory Parent Newsletter Co-Editor
Bette Anderson
Betty Ann Reinhardt Daryl Larsen
Bulletin Board
Jody Garehime
Library Advocate
Judy Noice
Sports Boosters -High School
Daryl Larsen Julie Simmons Sue Sullivan
Sports Boosters - Middle School
Kathy Molak
Denis Lynch
Support for the Arts:
Vice President. Co-Chairmen
Wayne and Cindy Davison
Camille Yost
Wendy Hafkenschie
Pl ast President and Advisor
Ramsay Waterman Sharon Ladrech
Back to School Coffee
Gail Kimball
Principal Coodinators:
Jim and Kathy Janz

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