Page 20 - Priorities #63- Winter 2016
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Cheng comes to the Priory after teaching in public and pri- vate high schools and at the college level. She received her B.A. from Beijing Language and Culture University and got her M.Ed. from Stanford University. Cheng teaches Manda- rin Chinese and works as a part-time Residential Faculty in thedorms. Inhersparetime,Chengenjoyshangingoutwith friends,watchingTVdramas,andracing gokarts.
Gabriela Karina Aguilera Ruvalcaba (Karina Aguilera)
Spanish Teacher
Karina graduated from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico and majored in Law. She holds a certification from the Mex- ican Ministry of Education in teaching Spanish as a second language. She moved to California two years ago and has been working as a tutor in a private language center in Palo Alto. In her spare time, she likes to travel, work out, cook, read, eat good food, and spend time with her husband and friends. One of her favorite quotes is, “The purpose of our lives is to be hap- py” by the Dalai Lama.
Welcome to our New Faculty
Cheng Cheng
Mandarin Teacher Residential Life Faculty
Hessen Ghazal
French Teacher
Hessen received a Childhood Degree from Lyon, France, then earned her M.A. in French and a Ph.D. in Educational Ad- ministration from Andres University, Michigan. Her previous experience includes teaching French at the Collège Protestant Français, Stanford University, and the Alliance Française of San Francisco. She has also provided private tutoring lessons of all ages and levels. Hessen enjoys teaching, baking, cooking, traveling, dancing, listening to French music, and reading. She enjoys many sports such as volleyball, basketball, ping-pong and walking. Hessen’s philosophy is “Science sans conscience n’est que ruine de l’âme.” It means, “science without con- science is a ruin of the soul.”
Andrew Lee
Mathematics Teacher
Andrew began his Priory career after teaching math at a pub- lic charter school in Redwood City and also at Notre Dame Belmont, where he taught for seven years. He received his B.A. in Applied Math from UC Berkeley, his Teaching Cre- dential from SF State University and his M.S. in Computa- tional and Mathematical Engineering from Stanford Univer- sity. Andrew enjoys swimming, playing the violin and has experience with Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido.

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