Page 3 - Priorities #10 1999-July
P. 3

From the Headmaster
Commencement... A time of beginning.
Our magazine’s theme for
this issue is also a
strongly felt theme on
the campus this summer as we
plan for the new year and the new
millennium. We have a flurry of
surveys, task force reports, and
recommendations coming together
in connection with our strategic
plan and our school accreditation
process. As I work on both of these
projects, I find myself looking often at the original Priory site - a bare field with a farmhouse on it - and thinking of the vast difference forty-one years has wrought. Overthisnextyear,Ihopewecanbring our planning to a close and present to the Priory community a vision of our school for the next decade and beyond.
First, let’s look at our strategic planning work of the past year. In September 1998 we started this process with a weekend retreat of selected faculty, administrators and members of the Board of Trustees. We identified six areas for study: spirituality, academics, faculty, finance, facilities and boarding. Our brainstorm sessions led to vision statements and goals for each.
About 1/3 of the goals - the ones that could be acted upon in just 12 months’ time - have already been achieved. You see the results in improved faculty compensation and housing, more time for and variety in elective and advanced academic courses, and a more focused effort to involve students in the Benedictine message, among other things.
We know from the surveys of parents and students, which we did in connection with the school accreditation process, that faculty and academics are their highest priorities and their areas of greatest satisfaction. We know from our surveys of faculty that they value and appreciate the support for
professional development, a high quality academic environment, and the commitment we made two years ago to raise their compensation package to the top third of comparable private schools.
As we work on the longer-term tasks in the strategic plan, we know we are on solid ground by keeping our focus where it began - on academics and faculty, the heart of the school, and Benedictine presence and values, the spirit and soul of the campus.
We could not launch a serious study of facilities needs until we reached this point; now we are ready. We have, or soon will
have, task force reports on the library/media collection, student life, faculty and guest housing, and the academic disciplines (Fine and Performing Arts was put at the head of that list by the retreat participants last fall).
We hope to complete by spring 2000 a facilities master plan based on this past year’s work. We will evaluate several options and visitors to the campus are likely to see sketches adorning the walls of Founders Hall as we continue to solicit input from our interest groups both on and off the campus.
I sent a mailing to parents a few weeks ago with more detailed information about both the strategic plan and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges accreditation process. Any reader of this letter is most welcome to that report - just call me.
The monastic community and I are excited about the future and the positive energy we see in Priory students daily. With your continued interest and support, the light of Benedictine education will continue to shine brightly in the Bay Area.
Strategic planning: We know we are on solid ground by keeping our focus where it began - on academics and faculty, the heart of the school, and Benedictine presence and values, the spirit and soul of the campus.

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