Page 4 - Priorities #27 2004-July
P. 4

Spring at a Glance
Corn Muffins Win Presidential Nod
Wholesome young campaigner Cynthia Sleight (left) won the heart of US President Daniel Wenger with her tupperware containerofhomemadecornmuffins.Meanwhile, jiltedbeauty queen Dion Diederich (right) is left standing at the White House Rose Garden in the music department’s adaptation of a Gershwin classic, “Of Thee I Sing.”
The political satire capped an afternoon and evening of marathon student presentations in drama, orchestra, choir, visual arts and the first ever student film festival held under the stars on Church Square on May 17, 20204.
Children of Uganda Spend the Day
Twenty young performers bedazzled the Priory community with their upbeat cultural music and dance in a morning assembly. Then they became guests of Priory students for the next few hours, sharing lunch,, classes and dozens of private discussions. While Priory students were touched by the tragedy the Ugandans had endured (all had parents who had died of AIDS or were too ill to care for them), they found that their education, interests and career goals were surprisingly thesame. LocalsponsorRobinStaviskysaidtheperson-to- person time with American kids was a rare and welcome experience for the performers.
Wet Shoes, Clean Beach
Sixth graders Jenna Tehaney, Katie Nekowitz and Alix Franklin returned grubby and wet from their class service day pulling weeds that were crowding out native plants on a nearby beach. But they felt great. “It was hard, but we got a lot more done than they thought we could,” the girls reported gleefully.

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