Page 11 - Priorities #40 2008-March
P. 11

“How I Look Journal”
Priory Senior Co-Writes Book, Lands Endorsement from National Association of Eating Disorders
A recent 2007 Harvard School of Public Health study found that teenaged girls who believed they were lower on the social ladder were more likely to put on extra pounds. Priory senior Molly Dellheim and her mother Nan, are way ahead of Harvard.
During Molly’s middle school years, Molly and her mother, Nan, became interested in the impact of style on body image. While experimenting with her own personal style, Molly discovered that girls can overcome media hype and peer pressure, even during adolescence, and develop a flattering style that will improve body acceptance. Encouraged by her middle school dean, Molly and Nan then began formal development of a comprehensive body image curriculum for middle school girls, which was first piloted in 2005.
Molly and Nan, with the help of Priory girls (and many Priory parents and staff) Shelley Lowe, Jasmine Madavi, and Leah Rappaport, evaluated the program extensively and provided insight into their middle school years.
Nan and Molly’s research and extensive collaborations resulted in the development of two programs that were piloted locally in 2005 and 2006 for middle and high school girls under the name, A Better Way To Look. Molly’s personal experience developing a flattering style informed two innovative sections on visual perception and personal style. After discovering that most schools face budget and time constraints that preclude incorporation of a comprehensive program, she and Molly conceived the idea for a journal that would include key material, could be used by girls independently, and could supplement a shorter curricula.
Most recently, the National Association of Eating Disorders has approved the book and the Dellheim’s self-esteem program and a book contract is currently being negotiated.

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