Page 16 - Priorities #40 2008-March
P. 16

energy, strength, hope and courage.
Asking for help. We’ve all heard that it is as
blessed to give as to receive. Usually we think
of that in terms of giving. With a serious illness, the ability to receive is as important. I accepted offers made by friends to stay with me during the
I learned not to look backward or forward. I placed myself in God’s hands and the prayers of the Priory community.
treatments. Another friend took me to “The Next Step” in Los Gatos to get cotton caps, pretty scarves and a wool hat for going to the store. It’s amazing how much colder you can get without hair!
The Bible says to “let the days own trouble be sufficient for the day” (Matt. 6:24). A dear friend who had gone through treatment for Hepatitis B told me that if you stay in the present moment you can get through anything. That was good advice. I learned not to look backward or forward. I placed myself in God’s hands and the prayers of the Priory community.
This experience was the most physically challenging time in my life. At the same time
the Priory community lifted me up with their generosity, thoughtfulness, prayers and constancy. Students sent cards and booklets with their
greetings and well wishes. The class parents organized the Priory families and each grade took one week of my chemotherapy and provided for my every need. I received flowers, books, music, bath salts, a shawl, knitted hats and gloves and a beautiful home-made red felt blanket adorned with ribbons. Families sent people to clean my home, purchased gift cards for meal delivery, provided two months of Netflix and covered the costs of home care assistance. Priory faculty and staff sent food for the last four weeks of my chemo, as well as flowers, books, magazines and other gifts. It was overwhelming and the kindness of everyone involved brought tears of thankfulness every day.
This unexpected journey has taught me to enjoy each day, and that it’s our personal relationships and connections that are most important. I’ve told my children to take some time every day to do what they love to do. My mother’s message is so true: Life is about sending each other love. It’s also about being thankful, even when you trip on a rug and fall. Look for little blessings in everything.
God bless and thank you for showering me with your prayers and kindness.

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