Page 19 - Priorities #40 2008-March
P. 19

Priory Parents Go the Distance in Donating Auction Items
Each year, WPS parents offer unique gifts to the auction that make it not only a exciting and trendy event but also one that brings the community to- gether. This year is no exception. Everything from travel to parties to classes will turn both online, si- lent and the Live auction into a bidding frenzy.
One of our more hotly contested Live auction items will be a very elegant dinner party for 16 being organized by Cindy and Greg Shove and hosted by three additional Priory families. The Lead Chef, Kolin Vazzoler, along with pastry chef Belina Leong, from Gary Danko Restaurant in San Francisco will prepare the five-course meal–it is an extremely rare to find these chefs working outside of the restaurant. For each course, wines will be paired by David Taylor.
For those who dream to get away to one of the most beautiful places on earth, The Nakos fam-
ily generously donated a two week stay during Christmas or Thanksgiving break, in their luxurious beach-front house in Solarias-Punta del Este resort, one of the most sought after South American resorts. Punta del Este is known worldwide as a scenic re- sort area with miles of pristine beaches, luxury ho- tels and restaurants, glittery nightlife and an upscale summer population.
For the art lover, Leslie Schilling, mother of Alexandra (12th) and Lauren (10th), will arrange a private docent-led tour for twelve at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. The tour will include the special exhibit on Afghanistan with time for one or two other galleries. Lunch will be served in the pri- vate dining room.
The Draeger family, Rian (12) and Liz (10th) have offered a themed cooking class and sit down dinner for 12 at one of their renowned cooking schools. The winner of this course gets to choose the menu in cooperation with the Head of the Cooking School.
Two 9th grade parents came up with creative ways to help us Priory folks get our acts together! Sara Somers, has offered to host a luncheon for five and is inviting stylist Julie Kaufman who coaches men and women on “What to and What Not to Wear.” You will be encouraged to bring two outfits for review. In addition, Francesca and Jeff Purvin will treat 8 students to a delicious brunch with etiquette expert Tiffany Smith of Emily Post fame. Students will learn poise, table manners, how to set a formal and informal table, and other pertinent nuances of social etiquette. A copy of Tiffany Table Manners for Teenagers will be included.
As you can see, there is quite a variety to choose from for both the adults and children in your family.
50 Years of Spirit
This year’s Live Auction combines the glamour
and excitement of the French Rivera and the ever- enduring traditions of Benedictine hospitality. To celebrate 50 years of spirit, this year’s Live Auction promises to be more exciting than ever before. As always, the highlight of the live auction is the one
of a kind Grandfather clock, built by Father Martin, this year with a commemorative 50th plaque. The monastery community continues it’s traditional sup- port of the auction with a series of unique dinners. Father Martin, Brother Edward and their associates serve up this superb, long-time Priory tradition - the Down East Lobster Supper. Don’t miss your chance to be part of Father Marus’s famous duck dinner
for 24. Reed Easley and the Art department have planned projects that will highlight every aspect of the Priory’s diverse art programs and students will be creating auction items in a variety of medias. Best of all, the teachers will be helping out with a variety of special parties and events. As always, the auction is a time to celebrate Woodside Priory’s many talents and great community spirit.
Don’t miss these Auction Events!
April 17th
6 to 8pm WPS Barn: Spirit Preview
Get a sneak peek at Father Martin’s Commemorative Clock and the amazing gifts created by the students of the art department.
May 3rd
The Grand 50th Auction and Gala: An Evening in Monte Carlo!

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