Page 4 - Priorities #49 2011-April/May
P. 4

Our Priory Gala, Meet me in Manhattan, features the Fashion Show and Auction and will take place on May 14th. It is always the highlight of the school year and, since it happens at the end of the year provides many of the Priory community an opportunity to come together to celebrate. We have a new format, as we offer a matinee, as well as the usual evening spectacle. We have combined the efforts of the Fashion Show with the Auction to showcase our students as models and designers intermingled with silent and live auction items. The Gala team has been hard at work for many months planning and organizing, so I encourage you to consider a “night on the town” when May rolls around.
Recently, we celebrated the feast of Saint Benedict, the Founder of the Benedictines. Our Benedictine roots go back over 1500 years, and what happens in our classrooms each day is a living example of what he envisioned for education.
May the season of Lent and Easter be one of personal fulfillment for all of you. Sincerely,
Tim Molak Head of School
Top L-R: Alison Stasney, Todd Turner, Julia Duncan ‘05, Doug Sargent, and Tim Molak.
Above L-R: Caroline Hickman and Lizzie Boyle
Above Right L-R: Julia Teymourian, Mayra Barriga, Brigid White, Olivia Peek
Bottom Right L-R: Tim Molak, Liam McCarthy, Bailey Marsheck, and Olivia Peek

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