Page 2 - Priorities #17 2001-October
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...for NOW and our NEXT years! 50
2001-2 Board of Directors & Board of Trustees
Board of Directors
Abbot Matthew Leavy, OSB Father Mark Cooper, OSB Brother Edward Englund, OSB Father Martin Mager, OSB Father William Sullivan, OSB
Board of Trustees
Mrs. Linda Andreini Mr. Dave Arnold
Ms. Janet Brownstone Mrs. Liz Cirino
Mr. Wayne Davison
Mr. Al Ebneter
Mr. Gene Flath
Mrs. Anne Hannigan Mrs. Dotty Hayes
Father Pius Horvath, OSB Mr. George Huertas
Priorities magazine is published in fall, spring and summer by Woodside Priory School for its alumni, parents, students, neighbors and friends.
Editor: Carolyn Dobervich
Design: Jim Kirkland, Copperline Multimedia Contributing Writers: Wayne Davison Photos: Jim Kirkland, Father Martin Mager, Carolyn Dobervich
Mr. Craig Johnson
Mr. Robert Klein
Mrs. Mary Lemuth
Mrs. Kathie Maxfield Mrs. Sandra McCarthy Ms. Janiece Bacon Oblak Mr. Ray Rothrock
Mr. Andy Schilling
Mr. Art Schultz
Mr. Bob Simon
Mr. Bob Ward
Mrs. Donna Wengert-Neff
On the Cover:
This fountain, on a third-level patio, is a familiar campus landmark. It commemorates Suzanne Eyre, who created the beautiful trees, plantings and landscaping on the Priory campus with her personal involvement and support over some 45 years.

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