Page 7 - 2018 Day Student Admissions Brochure
P. 7

 􏰀pper 􏰁􏰂hool 􏰃raduation 􏰄e􏰅uirements
English: four years
World Language: through level two; through level three highly recommended
Math: three years
Science: three years of la􏰆 s􏰂ien􏰂e 􏰇􏰈hysi􏰂s􏰉 􏰊iology􏰉 and 􏰋hemistry􏰌
Computer Science: one semester
History and Social Sciences: three years plus 􏰁enior 􏰈roje􏰂t
Theology: si􏰍 semesters
Visual Arts: two semesters
Performing Arts: two semesters
Physical Education: two semesters or two interscholastic athletic team seasons
Health: one semester
Community Service: three 􏰁ervi􏰂e 􏰎pportunities per year

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