Page 104 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 104

1. After a victorious match, the junior varsity team humbly high- fives the opposing team. Sportsmanship is one of the most important aspects of any sport because sports are mainly about having fun. “Priory does a good job of making sure we are good to the opposing team,” said Stella Axe (6).
2. The Varsity B team passes around moral support after winning a very tense rally against a rival team. “I think competitiveness is just as important as sportsmanship. Without being competitive, there is no game, and nobody likes watching that,” remarks Freya Allen (7). As important as sportsmanship is, making the game interesting is also vital.
3. Mikatrin Heynen (6) prepares to serve in practice for her upcoming game. “I really enjoy volleyball, and I think we have a really strong team. We all kind of just get along,” she remarks.
4. Deanna Perlov (6) runs to bump the ball before a volleyball game. Although making an epic run for it, she misses it by a hair. “I’m probably not the best on the team, but I just love playing the game and that’s all that really matters,” Deanna said happily.
By Sarah Park, Ada Fathers, and Jessica Fathers

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