Page 134 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 134

Derek Abarca
Most likely to start a new art movement while recovering from a concussion.
Most likely to be a volunteer mall Santa.
Mac Cornish
Most likely to make music that makes you cry alone at 3am.
Catherine Flynn
Most likely to have dogs that only drink Smart Water.
Max Habeck
Most likely to release a Kanye collab.
Ayo Aderoboye
Most likely to be jet lagged for the rest of his life.
Emmanuel Ajanaku-Makun Most likely to be the shortest in the
Samantha Allison Keyshawn Ashford Nicholas Barber
Lena Bhagat
Most likely to get injured breathing.
Gabriel Cordova
Most likely to be
a professional Lil Xan impersonator.
Max Fairon
Most likely to start a company that puts Tesla out of business.
Asa Gutow
Most likely to be 90 and still doing theater.
JosephCalderon SergioCalderon
Most likely to rock climb instead of going to class and still get a 4.0.
Most likely to come back from the dead and criticize the formatting of her tombstone.
Most likely to be #D1Bound for the rest of his life.
Most likely to show up to graduation with a late slip and iced coffee.
Eva Elfishawy
Most likely to move to a commune after college and make surrealist art.
Most likely to be the first person to reach 1 billion YouTube subscribers.
Most likely to train dolphins to perform Shakespeare.
Mark Erasmus
Most likely to wear shorts to his wedding.
Most likely to become famous.
Duncan Croll
Most likely to spend graduation finishing his homework in the ARC.
Olivia Flynn
Most likely to be mistaken for Serena from “Gossip Girl.”
Lucas Harris
Most likely to get into a car accident just sitting at home.
Most likely to be the brother of someone famous.
Vincent Cullinan Elizabeth Duncan
Most likely to randomly snap you after not speaking for 50 years.
Samantha Gao
Most likely to shop for the entire world.
Miya Herman
Most likely to get into a sword fight.
Most likely to dab at her presidential inauguration.
Chris Gao
Most likely to be the highest-paid rapper in China.
Henry Herz
Most likely to host a show on the History Channel.
Armando Gonzalez- Michael Gunn
Most likely to have a weirdly deep conversation with you at 2am.
Audrey Isackson
Most likely to forget to feed her horses.
Most likely to start a billion- dollar gum empire.
Mick Jeon
Most likely to be the most stylish CEO ever.

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