Page 50 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 50

By Betty Chen, Nonso Elleleh, and Jessica Fathers 1
1. The Garden class concentrates as Priory parent and professional chef Claudia Geoly teaches them how to make a delicious and nutritious salad from our very own garden. Priory is famed for its scrumptious and healthy salads we all eat and love at lunch time. Ava Ammari (7) “didn’t really realize where our salads came from until [she] actually learned how.”
2. Romila Gargeshwari (8) and William Tomlinson (7) pose proudly in front of a couple of towering sunflowers. The garden class consists of helping with the plants and produce, as well as maintaining many cool projects such as the sunflowers. Romila “got to know a lot of Priory middle schoolers she barely talked too.”
3. Twinning with their straw sun hats, Heather Baszuki (7) and Roxy Johnson (7) pick some kale to make their salads. They’ve learned that gardening can sometimes be difficult, but that it pays off. “Picking took a lot of work. You had to do a lot of bending over and it was really hot. I had a good time though,” said Heather.
4. Bruce Gaynor-Long (7) and his other classmates pose next to the tools they use to build materials for the garden. “Garden was probably one of my favorite electives I have taken. It was just a good place to have fun and get your hands a little dirty,” said Bruce.
5. Diya Vasudevan (6) happily holds one of the Priory chickens after feeding it. Chickens are a recent and much needed addition to our Priory family. They get rid of a lot of the compost we waste at lunch, provide delicious fresh eggs, and help raise money for future garden projects. Gotta love our chickens!
6. Liam Chandra (8), Finn Smith (8), and Nikhilas Mulligan (8) grin in the survival fort that they made in their Outdoor Education elective. Fort making is a fun unit in the class, and different groups get to make their very own fort needed for surviving in the wilderness. “Fort making was definitely one of my favorite units. I didn’t think they would turn out as well as they did,” said Finn.

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