Page 60 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 60

1. Addison Reynolds (11), who played the main character, had a “great experience” performing in Jesus Christ Superstar. Surprisingly, this was his first play and he recommends that everyone should try at least one play.
2. Addison said that it was incredibly “fun and rewarding” to see the performances come together after so much hard work. He said he made a lot of new friends and grew closer with classmates. Overall, this musical was a huge success!
3. Jesus revives Lazarus, played by Josh Oh (9), as his apostles look on with admiration. Greta Patterson (9) has done seven shows at Priory, including Jesus Christ Superstar. She said the best part was the song “Superstar” because, “it’s when everything came together.”
4. Pontius Pilot, played by Eva El Fishawy (12), delivers a moving ballad expressing his internal conflict over sentencing Jesus to death.
5. Alexander Leblang (9) works hard behind the scenes with fellow crew mates Nicole Shihadeh (10) and Jasmine Tang (12) under the guidance of their leader Mr. Roth. Alexander has worked on the tech crew for eight plays at Priory. Alex said that the most challenging part of working Jesus Christ Superstar was making sure everything gets done efficiently and smoothly.
6. Annas, played by Grant Whitman (10), tries to convince the conflicted Judas, played by Zoe Weiss (12), to turn Jesus in. Grant perfectly captured the oily and insidious Annas, and Zoe delivered a nuanced portrayal of a character who’s historically been villainized.
7. Cathy Chen (10) played keyboard in the orchestra. She said that in the beginning she almost gave up, but then realized how encouraging everyone was. Saúl Mora (9), who played guitar in the orchestra, says that his favorite part of the whole musical was the last night of performances, which was a bittersw3eet ending for the cast, crew, and musicians.
By Xenia Gonikberg, Donya Fotovatjah, Leyan Zhai

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