Page 63 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 63

1) Baron Christian de Neuvillette, played by Amelia Hoffmann, (11) attempts to write a letter to his love Roxane, played by Hannah Sheridan (11). Not being the best poet, he finds himself unsuccessful. “It was kind of funny to be such an enemy of Cyrano and still suck at doing so many things. We were complete opposites. Cyrano is ugly but smart, and I am handsome, but stupid,” Amelia said.
2) Roxane and Ragueneau, played by Daniel Klein (11), mourn over the dying Cyrano, played by Max Habeck (12). One of Cyrano’s enemies tried to kill Cyrano, injuring him badly. Regardless, Cyrano must see his beloved Roxane for the last time. She has just realized her true feelings for him, and finds him delusional and near death. Hannah admires “The drama and language Shakespeare brings to the play. Especially this scene, the mourning of the death of Roxane’s true love, the desperate monologue Cyrano announces, all of it is just beautiful to me.”
3) Cyrano de Bergerac and his friend Ragueneau try to reason with guards, who were played by the middle schoolers. The guards were sent by Guiche-- played by Joseph Casente (11)--an angry nobleman in love with Roxane whose goal is to terminate his enemy Cyrano de Bergerac once and for all. “This is definitely one of my
favorite roles. I loved the sword fighting and on stage combat. It was very exciting,” Max shared.
4) Roxane scolds Cyrano for imitating Christian in order to get closer to her. “The love triangle between Christian, Roxane, and Cyrano is electrifying and exciting. I think it adds an extra element of interest,” Hannah said.
5) Julianne Lempert (9) as Lignière, Michelle Turenne (10) as Montfleury, Mark Theis (12) as Vicomte de Valvert, and Andrew Sirenko (11) as Castel Jaloux merrily discuss the fate of their friend --and sometimes enemy-- Cyrano. Things are looking down for Cyrano. Roxane rejects him for Christian. On top of that, everyone hates him and he is losing allies. “I think it’s a little funny that Cyrano is so depressed about having little to no allies, but he rejects the friends he does have. It keeps the plot interesting,” noted Andrew. Cyrano really isn’t helping himself!
6) One of the Cadets of Gascoyne, played by Martin Kacin (7), is disturbed from his sleep in confusion, as he notices his leader Cyrano attempt a silent exit. “I had a lot of roles in the play, but I loved getting to sword fight, especially because most of my roles required it,” Martin said.

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