Page 70 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 70

By Jack Smith, Leyan Zhai, and Xenia Gonikberg
1. Billy Youstra (11) gives a presentation in AP English Literature about bullying and suicide prevention. His face, illuminated by the backdrop behind him, is tilted downward, as he looks down at his notes and smiles before continuing.
2. Luke Adams (11) and Lauren Kastanis (12) take a break from listening to the speakers to talk with each other about what they have experienced so far while Zoe Weiss (12) looks on, shielding her eyes from the sun.
3. Matthew George (11) lights a candle for Ms. Gonzalez’s Literature of Witness class, while Zoe addresses the rest of the students with her iPad. The notion of pushing boundaries has been a commonly discussed theme among the high school English department. English teacher Mrs. Payne describes how she “[asks students] to look underneath. When they see that an author has done something, I ask them to ask why, and then why, and then why under that. We call it asking the so what,' the going underneath, deeper and deeper.”
4. Matthew and Zoe observe photos of objects they noticed while on their field trip to a local exhibition, as part of their unit on forgiveness. As part of this trip, they learned, as Ms. Gonzalez describes, “how to live as a refugee.” They were tasked with only picking five items from the bunch, as if they were forced to leave their home in a hurry.
5. The Literature of Witness students continue to further experience life as a refugee. As part of their field trip, they were tasked with writing letters to
1 Doctors Without Borders, thanking them for their time and the work they put into the exhibition. Sam Putney (12), Lauren, Zoe, and Luke are quite focused on
their letters, wanting to make sure they are perfect.

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