Page 99 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 99

1. Caroline Mawhinney (6) prepares for a free throw after an aggressive foul from the rival team, Menlo. With the support of her teammates, she shoots the ball, giving the team an extra point. Caroline describes shooting as “so much fun. When you hear that swoosh, it’s just so satisfying.”
2. Helen Karnstedt (6) sprints to the basket. As the other team tried to score, she got the rebound and brought her team to victory. The opposition attempted to stop her from reaching her goal, failed, and allowed Helen to go for the layup and score a mighty two points. “My biggest strength as a basketball player is my ability to block,” said Helen.
3. Jessica Fathers (8) receives helpful advice from teammates as she is about to shoot a free throw after a well fought foul. With two seventh graders and two players who have never played before, the whole team works extremely well together and they all help each other improve. “I’ve never played before, but basketball really helps me get over my fear of [basketballs]. I really appreciate the support of my friends,” said Romila Gargeshwari (8).
By Max Habeck, Ada Fathers, Jess Fathers
4. Deanna Perlov (6) converses with her fellow panthers Diya Vasudevan (6), and Zsofia Horvath (6) about the great outcome of the game. Deanna is a very good defensive player, showing strengths in passing and assists. Given the previous experience of her teammates, Deanna feared being “overshadowed by the more experienced players, but she just [has] fun with [her] friends, which is really nice.”
5. Point guard Caroline Mawhinney (6), scans the court for a teammate to pass to. Being a point guard requires constant attention and impeccable skills. Fellow teammate Stella Axe (6) says, “I like being able to be point guard with Caroline. We make a great team.”

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