Page 12 - Priorities #33 2006-April
P. 12

Taylor’s CD is at Starbuck’s, and Geoff’s will soon be available nationally and in Hungary. Raegan is working towards an Ed.D, and Tadashi has been speaking English so long he is worried about his Japanese.
Alumni News & Notes
Tadashi Akimoto, class of 1978 – is living in France and is working for a company called “Group CAT”. He has two children, daughter Rika who is 11 and a son Yuji who is 9. Both attend British School Paris. English is their preferred spoken language, but they are now learning French as well. He and his wife struggle to keep up with their Japanese as they may return to Japan at some point to assure that their children know their language and culture, he said.
Raegan Miller (sic), class of 1983 – is pursuing an Ed. D. degree at Harvard. His field of research is the correlation between teacher absenteeism and student performance. The field becomes interesting when one realizes that the cost of teacher substitutes and sick days totals some $20 billion annually, he says.
Chase Norlin, class of 1987 – is living in San Francisco with his wife, Erin and dog, Abigail. He is working as a senior business development executive for ValueClik.
Shomari Stone, former student 1994 – a reporter for CBS News, conducted an exclusive interview with Samuel and Georgia Gaynor, the parents of the homeless man who died in a brutal attack in Fort Lauderdale. This was in international news story; the video has been shown around the world. He says that it was the most emotional stories he has ever covered. Shomari left the Priory when his family moved to Washington, D.C.
Carrie Immel, class of 1995 – reports that she is enjoying family life in Corona, CA with Britt Melancon and their two-year-old son, Beau. They are expecting their second child in late September. Carrie’s mother, Kathy Immel, was a teacher for many years and a Director of the Boarding Program for two years at WPS before accepting an administrative position at a school in Southern California.
Philip Chu, class of 1996 – has been working as an associate transportation planner in San Luis Obispo since 2000. He graduated in 2000 with a degree in city and regional planning from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. He then went on to obtain a Master’s in Architecture Science in 2003. He recently began working on a second master’s degree in public policy. Over the Christmas holiday he visited Hong Kong and met with other 1996 graduates, Raymond Lau and BJ Lee.
Max Lui, class of 1997 – writes that he is currently working for Cathay Pacific Airways as part of their management team. He has been assigned to Bahrain to help oversee the airline’s operations in India, Africa and the Middle East as the assistant to the General Manager for the region.
Geoff Welliver, class of 1997 – has been producing drum ‘n’ bass, a genre of dance music, for the past 8 years. His new drum ‘n’ bass group, ‘Company Truck’, was just signed to 2 labels, one in America, and one in Hungary. Their debut CD, “Tongue of the Fatman (sic)” is due to be released on Sideways Recordings in March, and “Teen Wolf”, their second release, will be available for electronic release on a Hungarian label in Budapest.
Terrell Virgil, class of 1998—was the keynote speaker at the Peninsula Bridge Breakfast, an annual meeting of donors and scholars supported by this academic outreach program. Terrell graduated from the University of the Pacific in 2002 and is now a mortgage consultant with Wells Fargo in Sacramento. He and his wife had a baby daughter last summer.
Teresa Lyn Falaschi, class of 1999, married Justin Stewart Caltabiano on March 18, 2006 in San Francisco. Justin is a second-year law student at Emory University in Atlanta. Teresa will begin her Master of Arts in Teaching degree program at Emory in June. The couple is currently living in Atlanta.
Kelly Immel, class of 1999 – graduated from Pepperdine’s Graziadio School of Business in August of 2005. She has moved to San Diego and is employed by Xerox doing outside sales.
Taylor, class of 2002
Terrell, class of 1998

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