Page 34 - Gates-AnnualReport-2016
P. 34

 2016 Gates Center Summer Internship Program (GSIP) participants and affiliated students: (BACK ROW, left to right) Andrew Ramos, Michael Wright, Smaranda Birlea, Molly Kubesh, Dante Merrill, Drew Dyson, Jackson Knappen, Sadie Doran, Ian Minzer, George Lampe (FRONT ROW, left to right) Basel Tamimi, Anas Atassi, Ryo Iwata (kneeling), Daniel Kim (sitting), Andrew Strosnider, Paige Ostwald, Andrew Parker, Aastha Dhakal, Emma Office, Christopher Chow (not shown: GSIP intern Stephanie Fukui, and Al Faisal student Ismat Alkhani)
 My most sincere and kind thank you to the people who made it possible for me to be part of this program and to the members of my lab who supported my project and taught me not only the techniques necessary for the project but also about respecting the work of others. This experience was truly valuable for the research skills it taught me and for introducing me to the life of a biomedical researcher.
34 Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine

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