Page 49 - Gates-AnnualReport-2017
P. 49

 The following financial statement reflects the operations of the Gates Center and of the Gates Biomanufacturing Facility, both of which have been the fortunate recipients of funding from a number of sources including the University of Colorado Foundation and President’s Office, the CU Anschutz Chancellor’s Office, the Gates Frontiers Fund, our hospital partners and private donors. Please note that we continue to collaborate with other centers, departments and divisions, as well as our hospital partners, and because of these collaborations, our financial statement does not fully capture the extent of our activities and philanthropic support. Likewise, research performed by individual Gates Center members is funded directly through federal and state research grants, private foundations and individual donations, along with targeted support from the Gates Center.
Overall, Gates Center expenditures are designed to fuel the research of the future. In addition to providing research support to its members, the Gates Center operates the Gates Biomanufacturing Facility and four core laboratory facilities (Biobank & Disease Modeling; Flow Cytometry; Morphology and Phenotyping; and Bioengineering), and it provides laboratory infrastructure to members for work done outside of the core facilities. Commercialization support, education and outreach, and marketing and development activities are also provided as part of the overall Gates Center mission.
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