Page 86 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #18
P. 86

Mother tongue rule to apply ‘wherever possible’ — Pokhriyal says NEP understands diversity
 The Moment: A Mystical Coat and Hat
If They Could Only Talk
Amid Protests, Majorities Across Racial and Ethnic Groups Express Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement
    Mother tongue rule to apply ‘wherever possible’ — Pokhriyal understands diversity
New Delhi: With concerns around the introduction of mother tongue as medium instruction in schools, Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has National Education Policy (NEP) will be uniformly implemented across all Indian keeping the “diversity” in mind. “Understanding the diversity and inter-state mig policy recommends that ‘wherever ...
             The Moment: A Mystical Coat and Hat - Magazine
A Mystical Coat and Hat Lynn Johnson faced a daunting task: make photos that cultures of little-known or vanishing languages. In some cases she began with a or phrase ...
             If They Could Only Talk
“The statues walked,” Easter Islanders say. Archaeologists are still trying out how—and whether their story is a cautionary tale of environmental a celebration of human ingenuity.
          Majorities Across Racial, Ethnic Groups Express Support f Black Lives Matter Movement | Pew Research Center
As demonstrations continue across the country to protest the death of George F man killed while in Minneapolis police custody, Americans see the protests both to Floyd’s death and an expression of frustration over longstanding issues. Most tensions between black people and police and concerns about the treatment of in the U.S. – in ...

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