Page 76 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #6
P. 76

15 Ancient Celtic Gods and Goddesses You Should Know About
15 Ancient Celtic Gods and Goddesses You Should Know About
Counted among the oldest of the ancient Celtic gods in Ireland, Ana (also known as Anu, Dana, Danu, and Annan) possibly embodied the primordial scope, with her epithets describing her as a mother goddess.Thus the Celtic goddess, often portrayed as a beautiful and mature woman, was associated with nature and the spiritual essence of nature, while a representing the contrasting (yet cyclic ...
Archeologist David Elkington heads Lead Tablets Discovery
Colin Andrews secret meeting with Archeologist David Elkington who heads the British team investigating the lead tablets discovery. Threats upon the life of Elkington and his family by those who appear not to want the codices content made public.
       Battles in these Ancient Hindu Scriptures Sound Like Nuclear W | Gaia
Oppenheimer: Student of Sanskrit and Vedic Literature. Enthralled by the Bhagavad-Gita, t great Indian war epic written around the second century BCE, Oppenheimer began Sanskri studies so he could read the text in its original language.While he was a professor, prior to WWII, he was known to quote passages from the Mahabharata in every class lecture.
 Archeologist David Elkington heads Lead Tablets Discovery
  Battles in these Ancient Hindu Scriptures Sound
Like Nuclear War | Gaia
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