Page 9 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #6
P. 9

 African Marriage Ritual Photos -- National
    African Marriage Ritual Photos -- National Geographic
See photos of African marriage rituals (including Berber, Swahili, Masai, and more) in this travel photo gallery from National Geographic.
   UNAOC and La Courneuve sign unprecedented
 partnership to promote multiculturalism and
 interreligious understanding | UNAOC
    UNAOC and La Courneuve sign unprecedented partnership to promote multiculturalism and interreligious understanding | UNAOC
UNAOC and La Courneuve sign unprecedented partnership to promote multiculturalism a interreligious understanding. The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNOAC), H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with La Courneuve, a French city located in the northern suburbs of Paris, represented by its mayor, Mr. Gilles Poux.
America's Best Employers For Diversity 2020
America's Best Employers For Diversity 2020
Where are the most diverse places to work? We polled 30,000 U.S. employees and came u with a ranking of the top 500 large employers and the top 250 midsize ones. Is your company on the list?

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