Page 69 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #20
P. 69

Pacific Climate Change Portal News
News | Pacific Climate Change Portal
The very first baseline survey and assessment of the Masamasa-Falelima National Park has indicated evidence of the presence of the Manumea, Samoa’s endemic rare pigeon.
South America IUCN
Latin America - The Nature Conservancy
Global Environment Fund approves $27mln for new projects in Latin America and Caribbean
Conservation news on South America
In Bogotá, communities weave an unlikely wetland success story
   South America | IUCN
South America is one of the richest sub-continents in terms of cultural and biological diversity; including indigenous peoples with strong historical ties to the region´s ecosystems, and which is also home to species such as the jaguar, piranha, anaconda and tapir.
         Latin America - The Nature Conservancy
The world’s most biodiverse region is at a turning point. With 40 percent of the world’s species, more than a quarter of the Earth second largest reef on the planet, Latin America is a beacon of hope for a planet facing a changing climate and growing deman energy.
             Global Environment Fund approves $27mln for new projects in Lati and Caribbean - Chile News | Breaking News, Views, Analysis
The projects will take place in Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Uruguay and will be implemented by FAO. SANTIAGO – The G Facility (GEF) on Thursday approved more than USD$27 million for projects to be implemented by the governments of five coun and the Caribbean, with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
            Conservation news on South America
Mongabay seeks to raise interest in and appreciation of wild lands and wildlife, while examining the impact of emerging trends in climate, technology, economics,and conservation and development.
        In Bogotá, communities weave an unlikely wetland success story
Around 27 years ago, a community on the northwest border of Bogotá launched a concerted campaign to defend the Conejera and business sector that saw it as disposable. The ...

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