Page 76 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #20
P. 76

The Moon is mysteriously rusting despite lack of air & liquid water
Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft
Black holes: Cosmic signal rattles Earth after 7 billion years
Researchers Predict Mysterious Dark Energy Is Located in Vast Sea of GEODEs Between Galaxies
Elon Musk shows off a working brain implant — in pigs
Musk aims to use brain implant to merge humans with
Elon Musk promised that he'd show a working demo of his latest technology moonshot, a new kind of implantable chip for the he did, but it wasn't with a human subject: Rather, it was with a pig named Gertrude.
         The Moon is mysteriously rusting despite lack of air & liquid water — RT W
Ahead of a slew of new missions to Earth’s natural satellite, researchers have detected a bizarre and unexpected anomaly on the airless, liquid water-free Moon is rusting. This perplexing discovery has its roots in 2008 when the Indian Space Research Organi Chandrayaan-1 ...
                 Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft - BBC
"I've spent my career on things flying fast," says Adam Dissel, who heads up the US operations of Reaction British company is building engines that can operate at dizzying speeds ...
                Simulation: The black hole collision produced a train of gravitationa
Gravitational waves arrive from a black hole collision that occurred half-way across the Univ
                 Researchers Predict Mysterious Dark Energy Is Located in Vast Sea Between Galaxies
Astronomers have known for two decades that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, but the physics of this expansion re Now, a team of researchers at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa have made a novel prediction — the dark energy responsible f growth com

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