Page 96 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #20
P. 96

Puerta de Hayu Marca: The Gate of the Gods- PERU
This Ancient Peruvian Site is Believed to be a Stargate | Gaia
The Legend of the Gate of the Gods. The native peoples of Lake Titicaca, Panu, and the rest of the surrounding region had long mysterious doorway that led to the “lands of the Gods.” Heroes in ancient times were witnessed entering into the beyond throu their deities, once their time on this Earth had come to an end.
Science Proves Portals Real, But Did Our Ancestors Already Know? |
More Scientific Evidence. If you talk to most string theorists they’ll tell you it’s likely we live in a multi-dimensional universe. In fa theorists believe that beyond our three-dimensional reality (four if you include time), there may actually be 10 or 11 different di potentially with their own unique law of physics and chemistry.
Mayan Ruins Discovered In Guatemala Show Highly Advanced Soci
A new discovery has uncovered an ancient Mayan megalopolis previously buried under thick jungle in northern Guatemala. Usin to digitally remove the tree canopy, scientists uncovered thousands of ruins that belonged to the ancient civilization, proving it advanced than previously thought.
Pyramids and Ancient Civilizations; What Secrets Hide in the Canyon? | Gaia
G.E. Kincaid, born in 1863 in the then-wilds of Idaho, was a hunter, explorer, and erstwhile archaeologist. For thirty years he had the then-young Smithsonian Institute under Prof. S.A. Jordan, ostensibly employed by the institute.
 Did Our Ancestors Know How to Open A Portal to Another Dimension?
  Mayan Ruins Discovered In Guatemala Show Highly Advanced Society
 Pyramids and Ancient Civilizations; What Secrets Hide in the Grand Canyon?
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