Page 35 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #14
P. 35
10-Year-Old Helps Launch Diversity Library Using His Family’s Garden-Fresh Lettuce
10-Year-Old Helps Launch Diversity Librar His Family’s Garden-Fresh Lettuce
A young Massachusetts boy is helping kids like himself... wit
As protesters demand change, Irving promises to focus on inclusion, diversity
As protesters demand change, Irving pro
focus on inclusion, diversity
Irving is a racially diverse city, with 13 percent of residents identifying as black o American, 43 percent as Hispanic or Latino and 18 percent as Asian, according t data.
Time for action on ethnic diversity in the workplace
Time for action on ethnic diversity in the
workplace - Personnel Today
There are no more excuses in failing to tackle inequality in business and lack of argue Bina Patel and Ozlem Mehmet, who believe these are best tackled by a pr and proactive approach. The brutal killing of George Floyd in the US and the pro outrage it has sparked around ...
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