Page 96 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #14
P. 96
Scientists carry out first space-based measurement of neutron lifetime
Scientists carry out first space-based measurement of n lifetime
Scientists have found a way of measuring neutron lifetime from space for the fir discovery that could teach us more about the early universe. Knowing the lifetim neutrons is key to ...
Determining erosion rates in Allchar (Macedonia) to revive the lorandite neut experiment | Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
2. Previous erosion rate studies. Dockhorn et al. [] present the preliminary results of an uncompleted depth pro study.They report the 36 Cl/Cl ratio of a single sample of carbonate collected from 23 m depth at an undisclos location. No further compositional information is provided, although the total chlorine content of the sample i speculated to have been overestimated.
Determining erosion rates in Allchar (Macedonia) to revive the lorandite neutrino experiment
1 - UCL - London's Global University
205 Tl in the lorandite (TiAsS 2) mine of Allchar (Majdan, FYR Macedonia) is transformed to 205 Pb by cosmic r reactions with muons and neutrinos. At depths of > 300m, muogenic production would be sufficiently low for t old lorandite deposit to be used as a natural neutrino detector. Unfortunately, the Allchar deposit currently sits depth of only 120m below the surface ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society | Determining erosion rates in Allchar (Macedonia) to revive the
lorandite neutrino experiment
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