Page 24 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #11
P. 24

        Revealed: UK ministers were warned last year of risks of coronavirus
Briefing, which recommended stockpiling PPE among other measures, intensifie 10’s handling of outbreakCoronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus co
Coronavirus: Doctors dismantle Trump's treatment comments
They warned that heeding his comments on using disinfectants or UV light coul consequences.
Reality Check debunks coronavirus claims by politicians
Conspiracy theories about Covid-19 have been spreading online since the early outbreak.
Coronavirus: Has Sweden got its science right?
     Dr Tegnell argues Sweden’s strategy is largely working
The strategy devised by scientists was to keep large parts of society open but n convinced.
         How do you fight a locust invasion amid coronavirus?
     How do you fight a locust invasion amid coronavirus? - BBC News
A second invasion by desert locusts has hit East Africa in just a few months, as y more aggressive swarms hatch and spread across a region already battling hun coronavirus, which ...
         In pictures: A Ramadan unlike any other
      In pictures: A Ramadan unlike any other
The Muslim holy month of Ramadan has begun, and the holiday is set to look m than it has in years past.
  Revealed: UK ministers were warned last year of risks of coronavirus pandemic
        Coronavirus: Doctors dismantle Trump's treatment comments
          Coronavirus: US and China trade conspiracy theories
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