Page 22 - Sunmeek Catalog 2018
P. 22

Nikita 202 F1
Nikita 202 is a Galia type melon that produces a very uniform globe shape fruit with a small cavity. The average weight is 0.8-1.2 kg. Each plant gives around 5 to 8 fruit. Maturity is between 65 to 70 days. The skin is almost yellow but the  esh is light green with a very good  avor. Resistant to fusarium and powdery mildew, can be grown in humid and rainy climates.
Nikita 212 F1
Nikita 212 is an early season Galia type melon with good adaptability. 76 to 79 days to maturity. Weight is 2 to 2.25 kg and the shape is oval; exterior is netted; the  esh is thick and green, sweet and juicy. This variety melon tolerates powdery mildew race 1 and 2.
Nikita 205 F1
This melon has medium vigorous vines and a round large size Galia type fruit. It is ideal for open  elds. It matures early. It has a yellow netted skin with a green  esh. Nikita 205’s weight is between 1.4 -1.8 kg. This melon has medium vigorous vines. Resistant to fusarium wilt: 0-1/Px :1.
Ariel F1
This is a yellow canary type melon with medium maturity. It has smooth yellow rind and white  esh. The weight of this fruit is about 1.4-2 kg and tolerates PM-1, PM-2, F-0, F-2, DM, WMV.

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