Page 114 - Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings-Volume 1
P. 114

New Methods of Setting Controls for Thermal Comfort
On the experimental side, some innovative work is being done for setting comfortable condi- tions in general group spaces, which are not determined by a fixed thermostat schedule or pre-determined temperature setting. A number of spaces in the building are now having space temperature set by a “crowd choice” method: occupants “vote” on whether the space should be warmer or cooler. When a balance of choices is achieved, the temperature is set. Voting is done using smartphones and an app known as Thermovote9.
Energy use reductions are being achieved in part because everyone in the group accepts the voting decision and no attempts are made to override the space conditions on an individual ba- sis. The system also provides a very fine-tuned response to transitory environmental conditions such as the amount of radiant energy during that occupied period.
As more experience is gained with this concept of space comfort controls, alternatives to a fixed thermostat setting could be developed for certain types of occupied spaces.
    Post-Occupancy Adjustments to Lower Energy Use: Lighting Systems
Correction of Lighting Control System Operation
During early occupancy of this building, there was also a lack of connection between the cam- pus BMS and the building’s lighting control systems. As in the case of the HVAC system, it was discovered that schedule changes programmed into the campus BMS did not affect the build- ing lighting controls. With the correction to this problem, UC Merced staff were able to tune the building operation to the room schedules and reduce the energy use through setbacks and light level reductions.
Initially, the effort was to standardize a menu of lighting control strategies for the laboratory and large spaces that were as simple as possible and that could work with the lighting control system that was installed in the building. There was some difficulty with the latter even after the main communication problem with the campus BMS was solved. This was due in part to proprietary
9 Mac version:
Android version:
Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings: Volume 1

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